Sunday, October 21, 2012

week 9 magic wand

If I had a magic wand I would change the amount of time I get to spend counseling students as opposed to the amount of time I spend doing administrative paperwork and duties.  I do no think school counselors do a good job of letting other faculty members know the amount of responsibilities we have to do.  Our counseling staff went to our new principal this year and advocated for ourselves.  He was very understanding and assigned many of our testing duties to the academic dean.  This has freed so much more time for us to meet with students which will result in less behavior problems and failures.  Luckily, we had a new and understanding principal.  I do think it is a good idea to get together as a counseling staff and list all of the different duties you have and let your administrator know the amount of time those duties are taking away from the students. Also, be able to show how more time meeting with the students will lower failure rates and help control the amount of behavior problems.  Even if they do not change anything at least they know how valuable you are to the school.  I would suggest being as positive as you can be during the presentation and be prepared for the possibility that your administrator will decide to make no changes.

week 9 Classroom Guidance Activity

Overview of Activity:

I actually used this activity for my 2nd tape.  We meet with our seniors about what they need to be doing for college.  I have made a PowerPoint that we go over with them in their homerooms.  There are about 20-30 students and we give them a copy of their transcript as well.  We have a parent night with a similar PowerPoint as well.


To educate seniors about college planning and credits needed to graduate.

Age Group:



Power point, transcripts

I would say this is prevention because you are helping students plan ahead.


Just follow the PowerPoint slides that I will post tomorrow.  It usually takes approximately an hour depending on how many questions you have to field at the end.

Follow up act activities:

I will meet with students one on one to address their specific post high school plans and then have follow up meetings as needed to help them carry out whatever they have chosen to do.

Contingency Plan:

Remember to always remain calm and keep your sense of humor.  The main problem that I have had in the past is if the computers are not working for the PowerPoint.  If that happens. I have a hard copy of the PowerPoint with me. However,  it is more effective when the students can see it as well as hear the information on the PowerPoint.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

week 7

I wish I had a tape recorder on me at all times so I could pick my best counseling performance.   The main thing I need to work on is not feeling rushed while I am with a student.  I, sometimes, get so overwhelmed that I need to make sure I am giving the students enough time to elaborate their thoughts when I am counseling them.  Many times, I may need to get several things done with the student when I have time to meet with them which leads to me feel rushed.  I feel rushed because I have so many students and there is no way I could take an hour with every student.  Also, during the counseling session they made need multiple items done such as college or clerical stuff.  Listening to my own tape and listening to the feedback made me realize this.  Next tape I am going to take my time and forget about the distractions.

week 6 5 goals

5 Goals

1)  Increase my knowledge and ability to utilize technology:
The blog is helping to do that and working with the blackboard.

2) To gain experience in a non high school setting:
I am doing some of my hours at an elementary school.

3)  Refine counseling skills:
I am doing this by listening to other people's counseling during class and on tapes.

4)  To get my standard certificate in counseling:
I will hopefully have this if I pass this class.

5)  Being part of a professional community other than my school
It has been exciting to hear ideas from other schools and other types of mental health facilities in class.


One of the movies that I would watch is Freedom Writers.  We actually were able to hear Manny Scott,  one of the actual students in the film, speak as an entire district before school started.  He had a great message and was highly entertaining.  I would highly recommend him to any school district as a speaker.  The main thing he taught me was to never give up on a student.  The student who may be getting on your nerves the most may be the one who needs you the most.  Here is the link to his web site which, also, has the movie.

Freedom Writers

The other movie I selected is Prince of Tides
It is entertaining and much of the movie is spent in counseling sessions.  It taught me that people sometimes have self destructive behavior due to past experiences.  It, also, shows someone reluctant to get counseling and how the counselor overcame his fears.

The Prince of Tides