Sunday, September 9, 2012

web site example

One of our most effective ways to communicate to parents and students at Henry Clay is our facebook page.  Even though facebook, sometimes, causes issues among our students, it is nice to be able to use it in a positive way.  Here is the site address or you can just go to your facebook page and search for Henry Clay High School counseling page.!/pages/Henry-Clay-High-School-Counseling/120696404667230


  1. Students and parents access Facebook every day so it is handy to have access to the school's counseling page readily available. This helps students and parents remember important dates - ACT, FAFSA info. nights, graduation info., etc.

  2. With Facebook being such a major form of communication, it nice to know that schools are starting to use it in this manner. By utilizing this page, students and parents can easily access important information and resources. Hopefully this will influence other schools to start and maintain a Facebook page in order to enhance communication between the school staff, parents, and students.
